Star Over the Manger

Christmas Mission Program in Support of FISH Hospitality

November 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

This Christmas when you are putting up your tree in your warm home, stop to remember that there are Dads and Moms and children who will celebrate Christmas, not in their own homes, but in a motel room.

The pandemic, affecting all of us, has also affected the program that FISH Hospitality had in place to provide transitional housing at churches in the area for families who no longer are able to be in their own home or apartment. FISH is placing these families now in motel rooms and the cost is straining the FISH Hospitality budget.

CPC wants to continue supporting this worthy community program even though we cannot currently provide temporary housing for these families. The offerings you give through the Star Over the Manger mission will go to FISH Hospitality to help with these motel costs.

Please donate what you can through an envelope clearly marked Star Over the Manger or, on-line indicating it is for Star Over the Manger, or mailing a check to CPC marked for Star Over the Manger.

Our goal is to be able to donate $1,000 to FISH for this worthy mission.

Our “Star Over the Manger” Christmas offering this year will again provide us an opportunity to glorify our King, Jesus Christ.

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