September Newsletter
Little Is Much When God Is In It
“The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: ‘Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.’ But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish.” – Jonah :1-3
One of my favorite hymns (that was introduced to me during my time here at CPC) is the hymn “Little Is Much When God Is in It” (#490 for those interested in looking it up in our hymnal.) I not only love it for its ragtime tune, but I really find the message it brings so important for Christians to hear. Especially us Christians in churches that are still struggling to find our footing in a post-Christendom West. It is a common frustration among many pastors to hear from their congregants a pining for the past. To be reminded of how big programs used to be. How many kids used to be in the Youth Group. How many people used to be on the membership rolls. In the hymn the second verse reads,
“Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.”
This verse popped into my head today as I received an update from a Japanese couple that I support with my missions giving. They work in Japan, a country whose people are near and dear to my heart, spreading the gospel to a largely unreached population. They work for the Presbyterian Church in Japan, one of the larger Protestant denominations in the country, whose membership numbers between 2-3 thousand. That’s crazy when you think of our context here in the United States where our denomination alone is more than 1,000,000 members and that an entire Presbyterian denomination can fit inside one mega-church here in the states. I bring this up because we had our VBS and VBS is one of those programs where we can often be tempted to look back at the past and compare where it used to be decades ago with today. Well, this couple that I support, Shori and Saki Sunigawa (you can read about them here and support them here), helped at the Bible Camp for their denomination that was for kids across Japan and out of the whole denomination they had 27 kids show up. This could lead to major discouragement, but as Christians we need to reject those voices and the Sunigawas summed it up well saying, “Many students said they were touched once again by what Jesus did on the cross to remove the veil. Saki connected well with girls in the small group she led. There were two girls in my group who are not believers, and they each shared about a struggle that has been a heavy burden on their shoulders. Please pray that they will meet Jesus, who can carry their burden.”
Now, ask yourself what is more important. Having hundreds or thousands of kids who will be there, listen, and feel nothing, or to have two in whose lives you could actually make a difference? The Christian perspective is for the latter. As our Lord says, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” (Luke 15:7) So 2 kids is great if God is in it.
This reminded me of the story of Jonah. Oftentimes when we look for big impact in our ministry we look to get as many people as possible because numbers = success. Sometimes this is the case, and large numbers isn’t a bad problem to have. But if Jonah was looking for lots of numbers God gave it to him. He gave him Nineveh a world capital. But sometimes it isn’t just numbers. Jonah hated the Assyrians and knew that going there might kill him. Even though it was a large harvest, Jonah didn’t want it because of other temporal reasons.
As we get into the new church year and all our ministries are starting up in full force, I think we often can be tempted into patterns of thought that draw us away from the place where the Lord has called us. Either drawing us back into a past that we cannot return to, or to tempt us with greener pastures elsewhere. No! Neither of these things are what the Lord has given us. He has given us this call here and now and it is our job to be faithful with whatever he has given us lest we run into the same mistake as Jonah.
So, this year I encourage you to get involved. Join a ministry that you think is important. Invite others. Where is God calling you in our church? Challenge yourself, show up for things you normally wouldn’t. Attempt to learn something new. Be faithful with what God has given you and you will see his mighty hand at work. Do all of these things for the glory of God.
Pastor George
Christian Education following worship begins next Sunday, September 17th . Here is a list of what we will be studying this quarter:
9/17-9/24 – Cloud of Witnesses Pt. 1 – The Apostolic Church
10/8-10/29 – Justice Roll Down Like Waters – Christian Social Action
11/12-11/19 – Cloud of Witnesses Pt. 2 – The Great Church
11/26-12/17 – Jesus’ Lineage – The Matriarchs of Faith
Join our G3 gang this fall beginning Sunday, September 17 at 6pm. It is for ages 4 through 12th grade. G3 stands for Glory, Grace, Growth, all three experienced here at CPC. The elementary age students are going through the New City Catechism. This question and answer curriculum teaches Bible truths through, crafts, songs, videos, Bible stories and games. Our hope is that these engaging lessons provide a strong foundation for your child.
Our teens meet at the same time with their own lessons. REGISTER HERE
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Join us Sunday, September 10th at 12 noon for our Annual Church Picnic. Bring a chair and a favorite dish to share. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be supplied. Worship the Lord at 10 AM then fellowship with friends at the picnic. See you there.
Have you looked at something in your house and thought that you don’t use it anymore but just can’t bear to throw it away? There is a perfect place for it- the food pantry’s “Free Stuff Table”. We have been putting out things that are in good shape but are no longer needed or wanted for our food pantry clients to look at and take for free. Items such as dishes, clothes, toys, books, candles, knick knacks, seasonal items, calendars, ironing boards, etc. have been happily taken by our clients. A working crock pot was donated and was perfect for someone living in a motel. Since we don’t have a lot of storage space for the items, it is best to bring only a few items at a time. That also allows all our clients who come throughout the month to have an opportunity to “shop”. You can ask Denise, Barbara, Sheryl or Kathy if you have any questions.
It’s clean-up day at the church on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at 12:30pm. We have a list of different jobs that need to be done around the church. You can adopt a room or choose one of the other clean up options. You don’t have to do a room alone, grab a friend and tackle it together. Although we are having this event on September 23rd, we know that your schedule might not work for that day. That’s ok. Do it on your own schedule. If you come when the church is closed, simply text Jeff, Andy, Pastor George or Bill to disarm the alarm for you to work. You can talk with Kathy Ramsay or Gloria Siepmann for further information.
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Is seeing the holy land in your bucket list? You have a wonderful opportunity to make it happen in the spring of 2024. Rev. Dr. Fred Garry and Rev. Dr. Glory Thomas will be leading a holy land trip in April 2024 soon after Easter. Please see the brochure with the itinerary of the trip as well as information on the educational company that runs the trip. Prior to the journey, Fred will be leading a 17 week study as a preparation for this spiritual journey via zoom.
If you are interested in joining the trip or wanting more information, please contact either Glory Thomas via email ( or via phone (732-589-3660) or Fred (
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