Ancient of Days, November 7, 2020
It is no surprise that this year's presidential election has added to the stresses and anxieties of millions of Americans this year. I think Pastor George is the only one of my friends who was actually excited for Election Day. We all know that no matter who wins, not everyone is going to be happy. There are going to be many people who will be upset by the results.
We Must Not, October 31, 2020
Tomorrow, Christians around the world will be dedicating special time to pray for their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The first Sunday of November is recognized by Christians as the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP). Fittingly, this Sunday also happens to be November 1st, which according to the liturgical calendar is All Saints’ Day.
My Weapon, October 17, 2020
I had a scary night last night… I don’t even really know how to explain what happened, but I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when all of a sudden, these dark thoughts started swirling around in my head. I couldn’t shake this sense of fear and anxiety.
City on Our Knees, October 10, 2020
At our Thursday night “Center Church” Bible study we talked about the city, which got my brain jogging and made me think of the song, “City on Our Knees.” So of course, I have to use this song for today’s Selah Saturday!
Friends October 3, 2020
Last Sunday evening I went to a friend’s house for a small get together. He had just built this nice picnic table and invited a few friends over to be the first to use it. It was a fun evening filled with joy and laughter.
My Worth Is Not in What I Own, Sept 26, 2020
A couple weeks ago Pastor George gave a sermon about the sin of envy. Later that week, I became envious. Hmm…I think God was trying to teach me something. You see, I’ve always had this issue with envy.