Selah Saturday

May 15, 2021


By Moriah Peters

I wish you could see you were made for more
And your wildest dreams can’t compare to what God’s got in store
Someday soon you’ll kiss the sky like a butterfly.

In my message from a couple weeks ago, I talked about a park my friends and I went to where there were really beautiful flowers in bloom. I think flowers are one of the most beautiful of God’s creations. I love the colors of spring and the beauty that flowers add to our lives.

After a cold, harsh winter when trees look lifeless and the darkness comes early, spring reminds us that everything is being made new again. Trees blossom, animals give birth to their little ones, and the days grow longer and warmer. Spring is a time of renewal. It is a time of growth.

In the Christian walk, personal and spiritual growth is something that never ceases. Growth does not only last for a season, like how trees only grow leaves in the spring and lose them in the winter. Yes, there are different “seasons” of our lives, but growth is something that is always happening. When sharing our testimonies with others, we often talk about a time when we noticed growth taking place. However, something I’ve been thinking about lately is how we are constantly growing, even when we don’t notice it.

We don’t notice growth when we go through suffering. We don’t notice growth when bad things happen to us. We don’t notice growth every time we say “no” to temptation and honor God. We only become aware of it after the fact, when we realize who we have become because of what we have been through. But when a seed is planted, covered in darkness and dirt, do you see the seed germinating and beginning to form a root? No, you don’t. You don’t see anything happening. All you see is dirt. For all you know, the seed could be “dead.” It is not until that very first green sprout pops up do you start to see any growth.

As I reflect on my life, I think about the person I was right out of high school and compare her to who I am now. I see so much growth and yet places that still need growing. Though, I often wonder who it is that I am growing into. I have this feeling that I have not yet reached my full potential. I can only describe it as this feeling that God is calling me to do more with my life.

In a way, I feel like I am at a standstill. In a few months I will have finally completed my bachelor’s degree. I am working my dream job as a nurse and loving it. I have a car and I hope to be moving out in the near future. I am at a place in life where I’m just waiting for “the next big thing” to happen or a new season to begin (or maybe it already has, and I just haven’t noticed).

I know that God is preparing me for something. I can feel it. I feel slightly anxious about this to be honest because I know that God may use trials and tribulations to prepare me. Plus, I’m sure there will be times when he will push me out of my comfort zone to accomplish his will. But the Word of God tells me not to be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6-7). I must remind myself that God has been to the unknown and back. He knows what is in store for me. He has my future all planned out and my best interests at heart.

Until that time comes, I will just sit and wait on the Lord. I will trust in him, and trust that no matter what he throws at me it is going to be used to make me grow, and one day I will bloom.

But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever! Amen.

2 Peter 3:18

Watch the lyric video for “Bloom” here.